Monday, 12 September 2011

Goodwin's theory and music videos - Looking at Katy Perry

Looking at music videos we can see that some points from Goodwin's theory are present. For example in Katy Perry - Firework, she uses links between lyrics and music. This is done with such lyrics as ' ignite the light' and 'firework' as visuals are used to demonstrate this as it is said. The 'firework' imagery is used throughout the text.
Furthermore, there is a linear narrative structure that is present. Although a full story is not told from start to finish, the narrative is in order for the viewer, and many mini stories are told for each character. These are kept short and frequent throughout, but they are understandable for the viewer.
The genre for this video is pop. This is kept clear as particular things such a clothing and make up are mostly kept fresh and light. This genre of pop is reinforced as the theme of the video isn't too intense, even though it displays a few touching issues with a cancer patient in the narrative.

However, there is little evidence in the video of any intertextual reference or notions of looking as the video is kept for a more universal audience.

In Katy Perry's 'Hot n Cold' there is clearer evidence of notions of looking as herself and the dancers are dressed suggestively throughout, displaying parts of the body that would only be suitable for older audiences and liked by male audience members. The outfits develop into red PVC which would appeal to a male audience. This could also be tied in with demands of the record label as there is a clear motif throughout Katy Perry's videos for fun and attractiveness. There is also a regular trend of Katy wearing small amounts of clothing which could also be a demand from her record label.

During the making of this music video, Katy was signed to Capitol Music Group, who were responsible for the success of 'Hot n Cold' and 'Firework'. Katy Perry is recognised for her unconventional style of dress. They are often humorous and brightly coloured. However, recent controversial photo shoot involving a switchblade was created by her record label to give Katy a '' Sexy, harder image''. It is clear here that Katy may be battling with her powerful record label to keep her own dress sense, rather than pursue a male only audience with a sexier image.

The narrative is more fragmented in this video as parts are mixed up and spliced with performance parts. The video is easy to follow due to the lyrics. However, at the end the video flashes back to the beginning to conclude the narrative which was actually all part of her imagination. This is a clear demonstration of the fragmented text as it doesn't flow from start to finish.
The genre for ' Hot n Cold' is again similar to the other videos being pop. They tend to be quite girly and upbeat reaching out to a larger audience.
There aren't any links between the music, nor is there any obvious intertextual referance.
Most of the videos from Katy Perry tend to be more about her own storytelling.

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