Monday, 3 October 2011

Intial ideas for Storyline

As a group we wanted our music video to have some stereotypical elements of the hip-hop/ rap genre. Furthermore we wanted to include a certain motif or pattern in our video to illustrate the ending of the story.
Laura is the protagonist , she walks through life seeing the bad around her and we show her struggle and compare it to her happy past as a child

The idea for the re-occuring motif/pattern

- At the begining of the video we see Baby laura playing with a police car or some kind of toy that has blue and red lights this will symbolise the ending of the story where Laura gets arrested.

Ideas for edit effects

- We liked the idea of using a split screen we thought it would be very effective. One side of the screen will be the focus of Laura and the other side will illustrate lyrics to visuals
 For example for the lyrics to visuals " whether its da sex or da drugs or da pain of fake love" we shall illustrate this by filming something that shows this.
                                                  Here is an example of spilt screening

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