Monday, 14 November 2011

Analysing a Hip Hop magazine advert

Wretch 32 magazine advert to promote his new album 'WRETCHROSPECTIVE'.

Within the media, (whether it be a magazine advert, tv advert or radio advert) all advertisements include certain conventions and include certain features to promote a particular artist/product. This magazine advert is to promote the release of a new album by Wretch 32. He is a popular Hip Hop/Pop artist who has become increasingly popular over the past two years. This magazine advert has many of the main conventions that any type of magazine advert would have. But what links this advert to the style of Hip Hop, and how does it promote it's style through the media?

  1. Name of band/ artist and album
  2. Date of album release
  3. Band/artist image/ style
  4. Featuring songs
  5. Form of release (CD, download)
  6. Either photograph or artwork as main image
  7. Record company
  8. Bands website – myspace /official page
  9. Critical quotes, ratings
  10. Set colour scheme
These are a number of codes and conventions which any regular magazine advert would include. 

Name of band/artist and album
You can see on this advert that both the name of the artist and the name of the album are clearly visible. Although it would seem obvious to the name of them both on an advert, I did notice something important. Wretch 32 has a signature font that he uses for his name, which it placed in the top right hand corner. Keeping a constant font and style for the artist name allow people to instantly recognise who it is. The album name is in another style font and in the center to the advert. The album name is a play on words which includes the artists actual name (WRETCHrospecive). Once more, it reminds the audience who the person is and is constantly mentioned.

Date of album release
"OUT MONDAY 6TH OCTOBER 08" is the information given on the magazine advert to let the audience know the date of release.It is clearly written and is bolder than the information underneath it, this gives the date release information more importance. The style of writing follows the same font, colouring and style as the rest of the written information on the advert which shows continuity.

Band/artist image/style 

Featuring songs
Although this magazine advert does not include featuring songs, it does have a list of other featurings artists who have appearied on different songs within the album. I think this is a good effect as it not only promotes other artists, but it also means that people who listen to the other artists mentioned on the poster may be more enclined to listen and buy Wretch 32's album. Naming other featuring artists fits in with the convntions of the Hip Hop genre as a whole as they appear to be very 'friends and family' based, meaning that they will support other artists and give them credit for their work.

Form of release

The artwork for this advert is a mix of art graphics in the background and a photograph of the artist himself. You can see the use of photoshop in the art graphics which gives the background a 'graffeti' style effect with spray paint splatters and paint dribbles. This could link in with the Hip Hop genre as they are sterotypically linked in with street crime such as graffeti and living in flats (as seen in the background image). Another aspect of the magazine artwork was the use of props. The artist is seen holding a cross necklace in his hand. Religious references are often used with the Hip Hop genre of music which we have based our music video on and so we may make a further reference to this clear convention.

Record company

Artist website
Although it is hard to spot straight away, there is a MySpace webpage which is being promoted on the advert ( This can be seen in the bottom left hand corner. It is clearly not a main piece of information for the advert but it is still important that it has been put on to promote the artist's webpage and so other can find out more about him and his music.

Critical quotes/ratings
On this advert there are no critical quotes or ratings from any of sources. Whilst looking at a number of different Hip Hop adverts I noticed that many of them didn't actually include any quotes or ratings at all. I thought a reason for this could be that this genre of music generally follows the rule of 'letting the music speak for itself'. I think we will definitely take influence from this idea and try and fit in with the conventions for our own magazine advert.

Colour scheme
The colour scheme here is simplistic yet bold. The main colours being used are black, white and different shades of blue. The limited use of colours allows the viewer of the magazine advert to focus mainly on the image of the artist and the information being given. 

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